Private Company Fees

ページ番号1001428  更新日 2019年6月27日 印刷 

Various port services are rendered by private companies.
Here we provide you with lists of some of their services, which will give you a rough idea of our port charges. Port charges may vary depending on the individual case. For further inquiries, please contact your agents.


Pilots are compulsory for vessels over 10,000 G/T. (Pilotage is regulated by law.)

Container Terminal Facility

(Updated: April 1st, 2015)


Oceangoing Vessels

For the first 12 hrs.:9.07 JPY per G/T

For each additional 12 hrs.:6.05 JPY per G/T

(Note: Tax excluded)

Gantry Crane

Max capacity of over 500 kN
25,000 JPY per 15 min.
Max capacity of 400 - 500 kN
22,500 JPY per 15 min.

(Note: Tax excluded)

Reefer Plug

For each 6 hrs.
1,166 JPY per unit

(Note: Tax excluded)