Statistics 2021

ページ番号1003315  更新日 2023年11月7日 印刷 

2021 Annual Trade

In 2021, total cargo throughput at the Port of Nagoya was 178 million tons, increasing by 5.5% over the previous year. Also, it is expected that the Port of Nagoya is keeping the top spot in the volume handled among all ports in Japan for the 20th concecutive year.

The cargo throuput in international trade was 116.81 million tons (up 8.5%). Major export items were completed automobiles, automobile parts industrial machinery, steel materials and miscellaneous chemical products. Major import items were LNG, iron ore, crude oil, coal and wearable items.

Containerized cargo trade reached 46.64 million tons (up 11.3%), with the total number of containers at 2.73 million TEU (up 10.3%). With 1.35 million TEU outgoing (up 9.4%) and 1.37 million TEU incoming (up 11.2%), container trade at the Port of Nagoya is well balanced.

*Annual trade statistics are available only in PDF format.

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